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The Friends of Murchison Park, the El Paso Community Foundation and Surroundings Studio unveiled plans for an inspiring new vision of El Paso’s popular Murchison Park on historic Scenic Drive.
Murchison (pronounced murk-iss-un) Rogers Park is a small overlook on the southern tip of the Franklin Mountains. At an altitude of 4,200 feet, it offers wide, panoramic views of El Paso and Juarez. The park, which opened in 1963, is named for El Paso pioneer and businessman Samuel Macintosh Murchison. It offers stunning views across El Paso, over the Rio Grande and out to Ciudad Juarez, but suffers from a lack of accessibility and vandalism due to a significant grade change. We will revitalize this historic gem into a 21st century park by introducing a tectonic 'wedge' that connects all visitors to the overlook. Unique rock outcroppings are preserved amidst a shady grove of Palo Verde. Visitors can now find respite and enjoy seating and picnic areas along a new path network. Aligned with historic “points of interest” plaques, gentle switchbacks bring visitors to various cantilevered perches, where interpretive panels provide additional insight into the historic features in the distance.
Friends of Murchison Park members include Michelle Assael, Rick Francis, Ben Gonzalez, Robert Gonzalez, Josh Hunt, James Magee, Steve Santamaria and Tania Schwartz. Surroundings is an award-winning multi-disciplinary landscape architecture studio based in Santa Fe that works across the Southwest. A great interview with Robert Diaz from the El Paso County Historical Society tells more about this remarkable part of El Paso's history. Watch it here.
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VIRTUAL MODEL: Murchison Park 3D (VR headset recommended for optimal experience)
El Paso, TX
Isha Rogers and Steve Santamaria
Kenneth Francis, Principal
Will Iadevaia, PM
Carly Piccarello, PA
Emily Knox, PA
2018 AN Best of Design Awards
Texas ASLA 2018, Design Excellence Award
Landscape Architecture Magazine, Dec 2018